• "Give me a sword, that I might free my country from slavery." - Cato, the Younger

A long absense (rambling stream of consciousness)

Having been MIA for a while (wait, no one noticed?  Damn.)… So, I’ve been away for a while.  Partly a focus on things in meatspace, but also because I didn’t have much to say.  I looked around and see things falling apart.  I see them falling apart, and I also see that there’s not much … Continue reading

CO prison chief killed.

CNN sends this, in which the point out this killing occurred almost immediately on the tails of the Colorado Intolerable Acts. http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/20/justice/colorado-prison-chief-dead/index.html

MBV v Kerodin, redux

Put on your big girl panties, and grow up.

Update from WV

“Ladies and gentlemen of the WVCDL and West Virginia. Today, around 3PM I met with Senator Manchin. In any conversation with a person of that level of power, there are two conversations that occur at once. The first is the obvious and direct meaning of what is spoken. The second conversation is the meaning between … Continue reading

Things you can learn from the Red Dawn redux

First, I endeavor to avoid spoilers. This isnt a review or film critique, just a few things that jumped out at me. Tue technical consulting was very good, IMO, and here are my thoughts. – Skills trump stuff, but good stuff is nice, too. – Situational awareness. Develop it. – PT – History provides many … Continue reading

Praxis: Exercise in Tech Savvy

In this post, AM mentions that no one really commented on the IRC chat log.  I didn’t because I was doing a facepalm and thinking “duh, that makes total sense, why didn’t I think of that?”  And I didn’t really have anything to add, until now. The following is a practical exercise. Part of this … Continue reading

Praxis: AR Magazines

This video was sent in to me by a reader, and I wanted to feature it for a few reasons.  It’s not news to most of us that skills trump gadgets, but you need to know your go-to-items as well.  I think this video does a good job of addressing that, and also the use … Continue reading

Standard-Cap Mag Ban in Cyber Security Bill?

CALL YOUR SENATORS FRIDAY! THE FOLLOWING HI-CAP MAG BAN HAS BEEN SNUCK INTO THE CYBERSECURITY BILL: “SA 2575. Mr. LAUTENBERG (for himself, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. REED, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. SCHUMER, and Mrs. FEINSTEIN) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 3414, to enhance the security and resiliency … Continue reading